This week in my family relations class we discussed engagement. There were a lot of interesting things I learned. A lot of people get engaged with out actually talking about the things that matter. They think they are so in love that nothing can break them apart. But that is not true. There are important matters to be discussed before marriage. They should use the time during their engagement to clarify all those things. What will the family structure be like? How will they raise kids? Do they agree on all the rules of the house? Who is in charge if managing the money? Money can lead to a lot of fighting in the future, especially if it is not talked about before the troubles come around. I have always told myself I would never get married to someone I dated for less than a year. I want to really know the person. I want to have all of these conversations. I am the type of person who overthinks everything, and likes to plan. I just want to be sure, and I want to be prepared.
Apparently, there is research that shows that the more people you have at your wedding the longer the marriage. It presents the opportunity to show the bride and groom they have support as a couple, and not separate individuals. I guess I understand that, but it is hard to imagine. In my family this has not been the case. I know all research has its exceptions of course. My grandparents ran away from their families and got married with just two witnesses, and they were married for 76 years. My parents had a wedding, but the reception was small, it consisted of mostly just family. They have been married for 27 years and counting. You always pull from your personal experiences and forget sometimes, that there are other ways to do things. I never wanted a big wedding as a kid, and as I grew up I realized, that I actually don't want a reception at all. I decided I want to just get married in the temple with just my immediate family, and my husband's immediate family and that's it, maybe a couple close friends. I am not married yet or anywhere near that point in my life, and I understand that this may not happen. If a wedding was important to my future spouse or his family, then I would do it, but if it was up to me I don't really have the desire to have a big fancy wedding. It is a little ironic since my mom decorates weddings, and I grew up helping her. Maybe that is why, I have just been to so many I don't feel the need to have my own, I'm really not quite sure why. Anyway, I just found that interesting that research can say one thing, but it is never 100% right. There is no wrong or right way sometimes. You just have to counsel with the lord, especially about important things like choosing your eternal companion, and make the decision that is right for you.