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I grew up in Arizona and then moved to Idaho in 2014. I'm starting my 1st semester at BYUI.

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Family Relations Week 6

 This week in our family relations class we talked about dating. We discussed how dating was now and back then. And not even that long ago, just the previous generation had a much different experience than the people my age. A lot of people now don’t really ever dine things. They just “hang out” for a long time, with out ever putting a label on it. They have a relationship with a lot of confusion. There is less and less of formal dating. People are taking the easy way out. There is no courting. There is no planning. People used to plan out these fun and exciting dates, and they just enjoyed each other and got to know each other. Now it’s always a text saying, “U busy? Wanna hang out?” It is a way for people to not commit to anything. There is no pressure and no expectations. People now think that you go on one date, and now you are in a relationship. You are boyfriend and girlfriend. It is kinda weird. I think dating should be fun and not too serious. A way to get to know people, and figure out different qualities that you do want to look for when you are in a more serious relationship. You should practice. It is important to know what kind of people you are compatible with, and what kind of people your are not compatible with. When you date people you can find those specific qualities that are important for you to have in a spouse. You also can just practice a lot of habits that you are going to want when you are married. In class our teacher was saying that it is a good way for guys to practice the three ps you find in the family proclamation to the world: protect, provide, and preside. They can practice presiding when they take responsibility for making the plans and putting action and effort into them. He practices providing by hopefully paying for the date, which doesn’t happen all the time anymore. And just to add, it doesn’t need to even be taking girls out to all the nice and fancy places. You can have an amazing date for super cheap or even free. Sometimes it just takes a little more time and thought. And the third p, protect, comes into to play, because I think they should not only be concerned with their dates physical safety, which is also important, but they should be worried about just how they are doing. Make sure they are having a good time. And the girls practice the nurturing that the family proclamation mentions, they have someone that they can care for. They should take a real interest in their dates worries and joys. They can care for them if something goes wrong. There are lots of different things that both the boy and girl should be doing. We need to remember that just because this is the way things are now, does not mean they are the way they should be. And it also does not mean you have to partake in it. If you want to have things be a certain way, than you can choose to act that way for yourself, and you can also be a good example to all the people around you.

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